Limited Liability Company (LLC)
LLC is a hybrid enterprise structure that is reasonably designed to provide a limited liability profile for LLC, as well as tax efficiency and operational flexibility. The main advantages are limited liability entity type will create a legal entity distinct from its owner “members” granting limited liability like a corporation.
Corporation (C-Corp/s-corp)
Corporations requires more regulations and tax requirements. The C corporation is the method of choice for publicly traded companies if you plan on starting a large company. Both S and C Corporations are protected by limited liability. The biggest difference between them is that S Corporation have no thief tax at the company level, and S corporations cannot have more than 100 shareholders.
Which two or more people are engaging in some type of business activity. The profits and losses are shared equally among its partners. Financial responsibility is shared equally among the partners. The taxation of a General Partnership is calculated at the individual level.
Advisory and Consulting services provide advice on the most strategic ways to enhance your business effectiveness. Our practice area provide clients on business and policy opportunities to develop practical strategies to address existing challenges, and to expand client’s business relationships.
Financial Services Advisory
Help individuals and families plan the financial plan that best suits their needs, based on the client's personal background. Whether it's stocks, funds, annuities, insurance, or pensions, you'll be tailored to the most suitable portfolio. Our approach to asset and wealth management requires dedicated personnel to ensure that only the best investment decisions are made.
Transaction Advisory Services
Deliver financial due diligence, assist investors or lenders in evaluating, planning and managing trading transactions, and handle various business needs for you, generating reports for each sale and purchase transaction, and provide practical advice.
Business Services & Outsourcing
The outsourcing of its accounting and program-intensive work is a management method that effectively improves work efficiency. Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business, help the company operating costs of the finance department, improve professionalism and the overall operational efficiency of the company.
Tax services
Our professionals have extensive tax practice experience and the latest tax knowledge, especially in cross-border complex tax processing. Design a perfect tax plan for individuals and businesses to help clients achieve their financial goals.
Tax Planning and Compliance
Help individuals and families plan the financial plan that best suits their needs, based on the client's personal background. Whether it's stocks, funds, annuities, insurance, or pensions, you'll be tailored to the most suitable portfolio. Our approach to asset and wealth management requires dedicated personnel to ensure that only the best investment decisions are made.
IRS Representation
Corporations requires more regulations and tax requirements. The C corporation is the method of choice for publicly traded companies if you plan on starting a large company. Both S and C Corporations are protected by limited liability. The biggest difference between them is that S Corporation have no thief tax at the company level, and S corporations cannot have more than 100 shareholders.
Individual and company year-end tax returns
All individuals who have stayed in the US for more than a certain period of time are required to report to the US federal and state tax bureaus at the end of the year for tax status for the past year. Whether it's an individual or a business, our professional team can help you get it done efficiently.
accounting services
A team of specialists with professional services staff uses the latest accounting techniques to standardize processes and procedures to ensure our customers receive the highest quality service to meet their unique business needs.
Our team helps clients effectively manage all aspects of bookkeeping and payroll. Full professional experience to help reduce daily operating costs.
Quarterly salary tax return
Full service Payroll Tax Filings
Compensation related insurance and regulations
Issuing W2 and 1099 Forms
Budget making
Our team will tailor the budget as much as possible according to the size of Beijing and the company in different industries, and make deviation analysis and adjustment in real time during the operation.
Daily accounting and financial statement
Daily accounting and financial statement production
General ledger maintenance
Accounts receivable / Accounts payable
Bank reconciliations
Federal and state legal compliance
Financial services
At Northwestern Mutual, we’ve been helping clients take control of their financial future for more than 160 years. Through the Civil War, the Great Depression, two world wars and a number of recessions, we’ve stood alongside our clients, helping them manage financial risk and achieve financial security.
Disclaimer: The contents on this website has been prepared by Unlimited Advisory, LLC are for general informational purposes only. Unlimited Advisory, LLC makes no warranty or implied, about the accuracy or reliability of information on this website. Unlimited Advisory, LLC - All Rights Reserved 2019 ©